*Live-in Cook / Clean or Animal Care.
A true mental case.
Delusional thoughts of self importance, Stories of grandeur, But the sad truth is, She is a by-product of the EPIC failure of our mental health system.
unable to carry on even basic conversation without asserting her fabricated, fantastical past onto you.
Unable to stay focused on a simple topic in conversation, she DOMINATES the conversation within just seconds of opening her mouth.
you are there simply to listen while she blathers on about her fairytales, constantly validating them by way of claiming she has written "references" and almost demanding that you also recognize her grandness After showing her, her room, and housekeeper/ cook duties, she lasted only 2 days, Then she was back in her car, and reposting her ad for yet another victim.
Claims to be a writer, wants to start podcasts.
odd and unrealistic self praising fantasies as a tambourine player.
This one is for the record books folks.
She has family in Spokane.
She has assault convictions, and past physical altercations with Police, criminal trespassing, resisting arrest.
Its a laundry list.
She has past criminal charges in California, but the " Status" was labeled mental and they were dismissed.
This is a very touchy subject with her and she gets very defensive about it.
Its best if you just leave this one to the professionals.
I suspect eventually, she will wander back home to family and hopefully she will get the help she needs.